Sunday, 28 March 2010

This corner of the earth

This corner of the earth is like me in many ways. I could sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play. On the face of it i'm blessed when the sunlight comes for free. I know this corner of the earth, it smiles at me.

Hellish shift last night. All went wrong. Glad i'm in bed however i'll be doing the same shift tonight. Given it probably won't be as bad since its sunday...but i can garuntee finishing before 10 to 2

I believe its time to stop focusing on work and take a look at reinventing myself on the visual level in the form of shaving and a hair cut and shopping!!!! DING DING DING DING alarms go off!

I Hate Hairdressers

Friday, 26 March 2010

Dancing in the moonlight.

Well its been like half a month since my last confession.. and i'll admit truthfully nothing is different...retail training or my SAM course went reasonably well and i think i've become a slightly better supervisor for it.

however on every other front i'm the same as before.. i'm slowly discovering that i'll have to make a decision with my life which i feel unprepared to make as i'm unsure as to what my future holds or what i really want to do...

On the other hand i'm able to see the difference between the person i want to be and he who made all the wrong decisions. as long as i focus on these two people i'll always know the right choice

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

New York Minute

Half a months later, nothing to report.
Now just realising the chain is missing from my neck Where could i have taken it? how long have i been without it?

On the other hand, work is going well! very well. A dramatic improvement they say, makes me wonder what they thought before. Who cares, i can't deny my masterful awesomeness!

Lately i'm distracted... A girl is stuck on my mind which is barely a good sign contrary to the feelings i'm getting. oh dear.

Could this be the end for Craig Alston?

Will this love sick puppy recover to transform back into Clark Kent and save the Cine-World?

Find out next time on
The Mars Volta Revolution