Monday, 15 February 2010

Undisclosed Desires

Yesterday was Valentines day ans the culmination of a week of planning! It didn't go amazing. On the other hand our playing love songs live didn't really fail either.

The main point being i survived and thoroughly enjoyed my day!

I gave a girl a gift. Then she handed my ass to me and gave me something super-awesome. Note to self, next time go super-awesome. Seriously though i've never been given something this lovely....or anything for valentines day but it sure does rock!

i'll leave this log till some other exciting phenomenon occurs...since the laptop is burning my legs

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Book of Love

The book of love is long and boring... and written very long ago. It's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes. And things were all too young to know

My training course of one day came and went and now i should be top of my game but only in my mind set. I've already put my stuff into practise and its a lot more efficient. Now to make it the norm.

Emotions flowing with me this weekend.. and it all started with this one song....buuuuuuuut i'll get to that point.

Firstly, i'm one of two supers helping organising valentines day at the cinema and it feels really good, like it might be a great success, because of my idea! All the managers agree its a great idea, one is especially enthusiastic, as is my fellow super.. Sooo my suggestion was to get 2 multi's and 1 super playing an acoustic, keyboard and singing love songs for those coming into the two showings of pretty woman. Everyone seems real enthusiastic and ready for it which is great.

This one song i was told to learn though i was a tad iffy about at first but now i'm in love with. Really nice song..gonna have to hold back the tears when playing this epic song. That is actually my main fear for this occasion! frightening. For those who are thinking of going here is the song list:

Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
November Rain - Guns 'N' Roses
Don't want to miss a thing - Aerosmith
The book of love - Peter Gabriel
Always - Bon Jovi

Wish me good luck!

Monday, 1 February 2010

To give to her the priceless peace

of giving up control.

First off, i love the smashing pumpkins. There is no doubt.
But these first two songs from their new album make me feel quite ill. i'm starting to miss jimmy....

today is my only day off this week and i'm starting it early...just woke up at 1 =). Craig is meeting this guitarist to see if he's any good today and it should be fun!
Last night i had a dream of the last band i was in, i dreamt we didn't screw up our chances and actually played at king tuts, very depressing.. so close. Then again i wouldnt have got a job at cineworld or become super or anything. Maybe thats my motivation for this new band, regrets of drug addicted teenagers pulling my ambitions back. Its on my mind more now than ever.

i'm outwith my comfort zone with people that aren't james or craig. It could all go the same way as before, luckily this guy is young so hopefully he won't be as stupid as the others.

mucho money in the bank but not 2 cells in my mind to collaberate on what to buy... probably the best thing because i'll have absolutely loads in 2 weeks!