Monday 14 June 2010


Not only a yes album.

My health has been failing over the past few days but i'm glad to report that i havn't felt better!

Seems like everythings slightly looking up. i'm quite glad. I've always been happy but never this much.

Really motivated to do something amazing..

i think i have an idea...

Poetry is the new calling! <3

Wednesday 2 June 2010

No more Smallville....PLEASE!!!

i'm hooked on smallville. i have no idea why, it's terrible.

Like a terrible batch of cocaine - it's got all the crap of the day mixed it
15% - Predictable Bad Guy
10% - Predictable Ending
14.9% - Lana Lang
60% - Meteor shards causing evolution in the townsfolk (Every single frikkin episode!)
0.1% - Baking Powder/Soap Powder/Cocaine/Lex Luthor

But i can't stop watching it because Lex Luthor's the man...

Whether It's Kevin Spacey or Michael Ronsenbaum, He's rocking me slightly...
It's because he's bald like Billy Corgan, OK!?